TMS Treatment Center located in Wilmington, NC

Almost 9 million American adults live with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), experiencing daily struggles with impulsivity, poor planning, or communication woes. Fortunately, the team of experienced providers at RapidRecovery TMS offers personalized treatment for ADHD at their conveniently located office in Wilmington, North Carolina. To learn more about the difference you can see with access to the right tools and care, contact the office by phone or book an appointment online today.


What are ADD and ADHD, and are they the same?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that impacts the part of your brain responsible for executive functioning, making it more challenging to prioritize tasks, manage impulses, and concentrate. 

If you hear someone refer to ADHD and another to ADD, they are talking about the same condition: Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) was the original term for what is now called ADHD.

Because ADHD is complex, it can present differently in you than in someone else. When you talk to your provider about your struggles, you may find that you have more of ADHD’s inattentive-type symptoms or impulsive/hyperactive symptoms.

How can I tell if I have ADHD?

ADHD’s symptoms include:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Struggling with concentrating on or completing tasks
  • Losing things
  • Poor impulse control
  • Restlessness or daydreaming
  • Trouble socializing

ADHD treatment can help you manage these symptoms and also reduce your stress, regulate your mood, and assist you with communicating in private or professional relationships.

You can also turn to the RapidRecovery TMS team for help with depression and anxiety, which often accompany ADHD.

How will my ADHD be treated?

A thorough mental health assessment comes first, which is vital to give your provider a clear understanding of your unique concerns and accurately diagnose you. Your ADHD treatment may include:


Prescription stimulant medications can increase the brain chemicals that enable you to pay attention and think clearly. Non-stimulant medications can help you focus and control impulsivity.

Since people with ADHD can frequently experience anxiety or depression alongside it, you may find your symptoms benefit from antidepressants.

Talk therapy

During psychotherapy (talk therapy), you explore your ADHD symptoms and triggers and find helpful tools to manage your emotions and develop social skills.

You can improve organizational skills, learn to cope with frustration, or boost self-esteem. Going over your goals with a trusted provider makes your journey faster and more rewarding.

Behavior therapy

Behavior therapy aims to help you eliminate unwanted behaviors and strengthen positive ones. Your provider can help you plan changes and feel better prepared to tackle challenges.

You don’t have to wait to find solutions that improve communication and everyday life. Talk to the team about the steps necessary for a personalized treatment plan. You can call the RapidRecovery TMS office or book a consultation online today.