Neuropathic Pain

TMS Treatment Center located in Wilmington, NC

Neuropathic pain can cause shooting, burning, or stabbing pain, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. Turn to the team of experienced providers at RapidRecovery TMS in Wilmington, North Carolina. They offer personalized treatment for neuropathic pain at their conveniently located office and can help restore your quality of life. To learn more, contact the friendly staff by phone or online today.

What is neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic pain, called nerve pain or neuralgia, occurs when there’s an impact on the nerves that communicate sensations to your brain. Because of how the pain is transmitted, this can feel different from typical painful experiences.

What are the symptoms of neuropathic pain?

You may experience neuropathic pain as extreme sensitivity to cold or touch or as a stabbing, burning, or shooting sensation. Something that shouldn’t be painful, such as lightly brushing up against something, may also cause excessive discomfort.

Neuropathic pain often worsens at night and may be mild or severe. This pain can interfere with intimacy and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, staying active, or concentrating at work.

What causes neuropathic pain?

Medical conditions or injuries to the central nervous system or the nerves running to your organs and muscles generally cause this type of pain.

These may be due to:

  • Insufficient blood supply to the nerves
  • Trapped nerves, as with carpal tunnel syndrome
  • A spinal, nerve, or brain injury
  • Infections like shingles or HIV/AIDS
  • Diabetes
  • Post-amputation phantom pain
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Certain medications
  • A deficiency of vitamin B12 or thiamine (vitamin B1)

This condition can also be caused by some cancers and associated treatments (radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery), as well as conditions like sciatica, fibromyalgia, or peripheral neuropathy.

How will my neuropathic pain be treated?

The skilled team at RapidRecovery TMS first performs a thorough evaluation, being attentive to your needs and symptoms. They may perform blood tests or nerve conduction studies or run a CT or MRI scan to investigate your pain.

While it can be difficult to treat neuropathic pain’s underlying cause, the team prioritizes this whenever possible. They also pursue the relief of your pain through medications or non-drug therapies like lifestyle modifications and other innovative strategies.

The providers at RapidRecovery TMS are experts in applying transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to combat various conditions, including neuropathic pain. It can also ease chronic migraines, treatment-resistant depression, and intense anxiety.

To learn more about the solutions available for neuropathic pain at RapidRecovery TMS, call the office or book your appointment online today.